HR Insights


Treat Recruitment Like You Treat Your Sales: Build a Talent Funnel

Posted by Ginger Sullivan on July 22, 2015

Treat Recruitment Like You Treat Your Sales: Build a Talent Funnel | Ginger Sullivan | HR insights blog by CareATC, Inc.Finding specialized talent is a challenge for everybody – and because some companies don't have the talent they need in-house, they've got to poach new hires from other businesses.

But maybe there's a different way.

A typical sales strategy works to usher customers through successive levels of salesmanship, taking them from prospective client to loyal, long term customer.

Why not approach talent development the same way? By constantly fostering existing talent, employers can develop their own specialists, without having to poach the best and brightest from other companies.

It's a strategy that requires a reallignment of priorities, but one that could be good for the longevity of companies large and small.

Read full article at Fortune.

Ginger Sullivan

About The Author

Ginger Sullivan

As CareATC's Recruiter, Ginger primarily focuses on recruiting top talent for our clinics and Corporate office. She also uses her creativity to help plan Corporate events.

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