Improving Health


9 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Posted by Mairead Callahan, RDN, CPT on April 9, 2015

9 Ways to Boost Your Metabolisa | Mairead Callahan, RDN, CPT | Improving Health blog by CareATC, Inc.It’s sad but true, metabolism slows with age. As the years go by, it gets harder and harder to maintain a healthy weight. The good news is there is something you can do about it.

Check out these 9 ways you can help boost your metabolism and fend off the effects of aging!

1. Hit the Gym

One of the best things you can do for your metabolism is exercise. According to research from the University of Alabama, you can reverse 50% of the effects of aging on a slowing metabolism with exercise.

It is important to incorporate weight-bearing exercise such as weight lifting or power yoga, because muscle tissue burns more energy than fat, increasing the rate of metabolism.

One pound of muscle burns 35 to 50 calories per day, while one pound of fat burns only 5 to 10 calories per day.

Set a goal to strength train for 35 minutes, twice per week to increase your muscle mass and metabolism.

2. Go Green

Green tea has been acknowledged for its health benefits for many years. It contains catechin, a type of natural phenol and antioxidant, which research has shown can increase metabolism.

Studies have observed dieters who include a good amount of green tea in their regimen lose more weight.

Consider sipping on iced green tea to get that catechin kick!

3. Try Kombucha

The ancient Chinese originally discovered the vast health benefits of Kombucha tea. They actually referred to it as an “immortal health elixir.” Now that is something worth adding to your diet!

Kombucha tea is made from the fermentation of a mixture of sweetened tea and SCOBY. SCOBY stands for symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. It is widely known to be effective in reducing the risks of certain health problems, promoting overall health and most importantly potentially enhancing metabolism!

The detoxifying nature of the beverage may help the entire body, including the metabolism, function at an optimal level.

4. Hydrate

Dehydration can certainly compromise the efficiency of the body’s metabolism. A good rule to follow when properly hydrating is to consume half your body’s weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, consume 90 ounces of water throughout the day to keep your body functioning best!

5. Spice it Up

Throw some spicy peppers into your favorite dish. Jalapenos, chili, cayenne, habanero…any will do!

You know the burning sensation in your mouth after you crunch down on a hot pepper, well the same effect occurs internally, burning extra calories for up to 30 minutes.

The metabolism boost of spicy peppers comes from a compound they contain called capsaicin. Capsaicin generates heat in the body, raising the internal temperature, which increases the rate of metabolism.

6. Eat Enough

If you don’t consume enough calories, your metabolism slows down.

When the body doesn’t have what it needs, it panics and goes into starvation mode. The body tries to preserve as much energy as possible, which means storing fat, because apparently food is scarce.

Eating too little is actually a common dieting mistake.

Although it seems counter intuitive, to keep the metabolism going and potentially lose weight, you have to eat ENOUGH!

7. Go Ginger

Ginger has become very popular in the health and wellness space.

It is widely known to be beneficial for digestive health, but research has also shown ginger may actually speed the digestion process, up to 20 percent.

Kick up your dish and your metabolism by adding a little grated ginger to a smoothie or stir-fry!

8. Snack Smart

Consuming healthy snacks throughout the day can keep blood sugar levels stable and the metabolism burning.

Choose high-fiber, high-protein snacks such as whole grain crackers, hummus, fruits, veggies, or Greek yogurt.

Some research indicates eating smaller meals more frequently, 4-6 times per day, may actually be best for boosting metabolism and increasing weight loss.

9. De-stress

Stress can wreak havoc on health in general, but it is particularly hard on metabolism.

When stressed, the body releases a hormone called cortisol, which actually tells the body to store fat.

Try yoga or meditation to lower stress levels and prevent the body from overproducing cortisol!


Begin with one or two of these small changes to start increasing your metabolism today.

We cannot completely halt the aging process no matter how hard we try, but we can certainly combat its effects with diet and exercise!
Mairead Callahan, RDN, CPT

About The Author

Mairead Callahan, RDN, CPT

Mairead is a registered dietitian, media personality, and founder of the popular health and wellness blog "My Healthy Ending." She studied Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, completed her supervised practice at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and is an American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. Mairead’s philosophy is grounded in the power of whole foods, plant-based nutrition, and an active lifestyle.

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