Improving Health


Men's Health

Posted by Sarah McDougal on June 1, 2021

Mens HealthMen’s Health month is a great opportunity to remind all men that good health lies in the hands of man. According to the CDC, on average, men die five years younger than women and are often more likely to be afflicted with chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression. Statistically, men are less likely than women to seek medical care. Men also have unique health concerns related to prostate and testicular health. Here are a few simple things that men can do to improve health and well-being.

1) Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can improve circulation, which is helpful for heart health as well as sexual health. Exercise can also help maintain and preserve muscle mass and may counter a natural drop in testosterone levels that commonly accompanies aging. Exercise improves the quality of life by boosting energy levels, promoting sound sleep, and providing a healthy outlet for emotions like anxiety and stress. Finally, exercise can reduce the risk of cancer.

2) Self-Exams

Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers among young men. Performing monthly self-checks is a good practice for early detection.

3) Limit Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to weight gain, elevated triglycerides (a form of fat in the bloodstream), and other health complications, including increased cancer risk. It’s a good idea for men to limit alcohol intake to less than two drinks per day.

4) Avoid Tobacco

Smoking is harmful to every organ system and cell in the human body. Chewing tobacco is also known to increase the risk of cancers of the head and neck. If you are a man that uses tobacco products, be sure to inform your healthcare provider and discuss resources available to help support you in quitting.

5) Manage Stress

Chronic, unmanaged stress can wreak havoc on men’s health. Finding a healthy and productive way to manage stress is key to staying well. Movement and meditation are two methods to manage stress better.

6) Visit Your Doctor

According to one recent survey conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, 72% of men would rather do household chores than go to the doctor. This discovery comes from a campaign called MENtion It®, which aims to address the fact that many men don’t take steps to manage health issues. Establishing a primary care doctor and regular checkups is essential to staying well and preventing disease.

7) Eat Right

Food is so much more than fuel—it’s powerful preventative medicine that can help fight disease. Eating health-promoting foods is a surefire way to keep men looking and feeling their best. It is also important for athletic performance. Consumer research shows that men tend to focus on high protein foods like meat. While meat can undoubtedly be a part of a healthy diet, men need to eat plenty of plant foods like vegetables, fruit, beans, whole grains, and nuts too! Some foods that are particularly healthy for men’s health include:

  • Fatty Fish like salmon, mackerel, and trout are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can combat inflammation in the body. Fish are also a good source of zinc which can help maintain healthy testosterone levels.
  • Legumes, including soybeans (edamame), provide a healthy dose of protein, fiber, and iron, as well as protective nutrients like fiber and phytochemicals. If you’re a man who eats meat daily, try going meat-free once per week and substituting legumes!
  • Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant known as lycopene, which may help prevent prostate cancer. Cooked tomatoes are better absorbed due to a healthy fat like olive oil, which can make it easier for the body to absorb lycopene.
  • Spinach is loaded with health-promoting nutrients and is a superb source of folate, providing 66% of your daily value in just one cup of cooked, as well as magnesium, a mineral necessary to promote healthy testosterone levels.



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Sarah McDougal

About The Author

Sarah McDougal

Sarah McDougal is a registered dietitian and the manager of the health coaching program at CareATC. In addition to managing coaches, Sarah creates and edits wellness content that is used in the CareATC coaching program. Sarah is passionate about wellness, health promotion and preventative medicine and she fully believes in the power of food as medicine! When she’s not at work, Sarah is likely spending time with her family, cooking, honing her amateur gardening skills, running, or stretching on her yoga mat.

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