Improving Health


3 Ways Quality Sleep Makes You More Productive

Posted by CareATC on March 19, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, it's easy to overlook one of the most essential components of our health and well-being: sleep. Yet, just like food and water, quality sleep is crucial for our overall vitality and productivity, especially in the workplace. 

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Breast Cancer Awareness: How Early Detection Saves Lives

Posted by CareATC on October 17, 2023

Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent and life-threatening diseases affecting women worldwide. However, the good news is that early detection through regular screenings significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and survival. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re exploring the importance of breast cancer education and how early detection can save lives.

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Taking Control of Cholesterol: Key Steps for a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Posted by CareATC on September 19, 2023

September is National Cholesterol Education Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of managing cholesterol levels for a healthier heart. Cholesterol plays a crucial role in our body, but high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) can increase the risk of heart disease. This month serves as a reminder to take proactive steps toward a heart-healthy lifestyle. Let's explore some key measures that can help you take control of your cholesterol levels.

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Why Immunizations Are Crucial for All Ages

Posted by CareATC on August 15, 2023

Immunizations play a pivotal role in safeguarding us from preventable diseases by stimulating the immune system to recognize and combat harmful pathogens. While the importance of immunizations is often emphasized during childhood, the significance of vaccines extends across all ages. We’ve compiled a few reasons why immunizations protect the overall well-being of every single individual.

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Sun-Smart Strategies: Best Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer

Posted by CareATC on July 18, 2023

Summer is in full swing which means you’re spending more time working and playing outside under the hot sun. While you’re soaking up the rays, it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Too much exposure to UV rays can damage your skin cells. Short-term damage can cause sunburns and continued damage over time leads to changes in skin texture and sometimes skin cancer. 

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Men's Health Awareness Month: 4 Screenings Men Should Be Getting and When

Posted by CareATC on June 20, 2023

Taking care of your health is essential, and as a man, being proactive about screenings can help detect potential health issues early on. Regular health screenings are vital for maintaining overall well-being and preventing the development of serious conditions. In this blog post, we'll highlight four important health screenings that men should prioritize and the recommended timing for each.

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12 Quick and Easy Ways to Reset and Destress

Posted by Mairead Callahan, RDN, CPT on December 20, 2017

Feeling overwhelmed at work? Stressed about your to-do list? Concerned about meeting deadlines? Use these 12 quick and easy ways to reset yourself during the day.

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Five Ways to Think Positive for Good Health

Posted by Mairead Callahan, RDN, CPT on November 29, 2017

 Positive thinking helps to control stress and improve overall health. Researchers continue to look into the effects of positive thinking on health, but as of now they believe it could increase life span, lower rates of depression, decrease stress, and reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Here are five quick ways to help you move towards more positive thinking!

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