HR Insights


3 Big Reasons Healthy Employees Make You More Competitive

Posted by Tatiana Spears on January 1, 2016

3 Big Reasons Healthy Employees Make You More Competitive | Tatiana Spears | HR Insights blog by CareATC, Inc.Companies large and small find that focusing on healthy employees is better for business. A growing body of research suggests that investing in employee health and wellness has a significant effect on employee productivity, culture, and even profitability.

Such factors fuel competitive advantage — which is why leading business leaders see investing in employee health as a fundamental business strategy.

Here are three big reasons healthy, happy employees make you more competitive: 

1. Productivity

Productivity and performance are top organizational priorities most affected by the health and wellness of employees. Employers who offer broad work-site based programs across the continuum of care are reaping the rewards. 

Every $1 spent on wellness programs yields a $3.27 decrease in medical costs, according to a study by Harvard University. Companies with the most effective health and productivity programs experience 11 percent higher revenue per employees; 1.8 fewer days absent; and 28 percent higher shareholder returns.

It’s clear: productivity translates into tangible returns. 

2. Engagement

Companies with engaged employees outperform the competition by as much as 22%, according to a 2012 Gallup study. But with over 70% of employees not engaged at work, where do you start?

There are many factors to consider when it comes to improving employee engagement. It’s crucial to find the right mix to focus on and invest in to make the most impact and sometime it’s best to begin with the basics. 

Consider heath. Employees who participate in health programs are three times more likely to be engaged and satisfied in their work. Further, 79% of highly engaged employees have trust and confidence in their leaders. 

Put differently, engagement leads to satisfaction; satisfaction leads to loyalty; loyalty leads to passionate people who are sold on the philosophy of your company - not just the paycheck.  

3. Reduced Healthcare Cost

While healthy employee can lead to a healthy bottom line in the long-term, tremendous value can be realized even in the short-term. Wellness programs are wide-ranging, though typically fall into one of two camps: lifestyle management and disease management.

Lifestyle management focus on prevention and encourage healthy behavior to prevent disease. Disease management, however, directly identifies and addresses an existing chronic disease. According to a Rand study, 87% of healthcare costs savings come from addressing chronic disease.

Keep in mind that programs should include your specific organizational goals, and there must be a glance and options available to your population. Proven tools and programs include: 


With eighty-nine percent of employers believe that offering health and wellness is important to maximizing productivity, it’s becoming clearer that improving employee health is a business strategy. And employees benefit too, with increased engagement and quality of life. In fact, employees who report feeling valued by their employer are 60% more likely to report they are motivated to do their very best for their employer. 

What could healthier employees mean for your organization?

Photo credit: Brad.K via Foter / CC BY
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Tatiana Spears

About The Author

Tatiana Spears

With an MBA mind for analysis and strategy development, Tatiana loves transforming creative ideas into practical application for innovative companies and professionals. She is also the proud owner of an overworked Nespresso machine.

Post Topics Workplace Wellness