HR Insights


Are Gen X Women Being Squeezed Out of the Workplace?

Posted by Ginger Sullivan on December 29, 2015

Are Gen X Women Being Squeezed Out of the Workplace? | Ginger Sullivan | HR Insights blog by CareATC, Inc.Sandwiched between vocal/demanding Boomers and Millennials, Generation X has been called the "forgotten middle child" of the modern workplace.

Development Dimensions International has data to indicate that the Millenials are advancing much more quickly than the X's did/are.

The differences can be starkly felt in the workplace, because Gen X is only about 2/3 the size of the generations on either side of them.

And even though Gen X women paved the way for new workplace freedoms never before afforded female workers, they haven't reaped the benefits to the same degree that their younger colleagues have, who never had to endure the way things used to be.

These and many other lifestyle and cultural factors are seeing Gen X women leave the workforce at a faster rate that most other groups.

Read full article at Fast Company.

Ginger Sullivan

About The Author

Ginger Sullivan

As CareATC's Recruiter, Ginger primarily focuses on recruiting top talent for our clinics and Corporate office. She also uses her creativity to help plan Corporate events.

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