HR Insights


Just 49% of Americans Participate in a Workplace Retirement Plan: Survey

Posted by Wendy White on June 9, 2016

Just 49% of Americans Participate in a Workplace Retirement Plan: Survey | Wendy White | HR Insights blog by CereATC, Inc.A Canadian study of the American private sector indicates that only 49% of employees use workplace retirement and/or 401(k) benefits.

But wait, this low number is largely due to the fact that only 58% of employers provide these benefits!

America's own census data reveals that retirement benefit access varies greatly city by city, though statewide provision tends to be much steadier. Industry is also an important factor, with manufacturing workers accessing retirement plans at twice the rate of hospitality workers.

The report concludes that retirement access is all over the place, when considering the US as a whole, and that regional employers may gain access to the best talent simply by tailoring retirement benefits to local needs.

Read full article at Benefits Canada.

Wendy White

About The Author

Wendy White

As the Director of Client and Clinical Services at CareATC, Wendy manages the implementation and ongoing success of our clients' clinic programs. She is also a resident expert on all things CareATC, having been with the company for over 10 years.

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