HR Insights


Teleworkers More Likely to Prioritize Wellness

Posted by Ginger Sullivan on June 2, 2016

Teleworkers More Likely to Prioritize Wellness | Ginger Sullivan | HR Insights blog by CareATC, Inc.Employers around the country are offering endless takes on wellness programming, while others tend to favor workplace flexibility benefits. Some industry writers describe these two benefits strategies as existing in isolated "silos."

Employees who value the freedom to telecommute or do freelance work tend to make personal wellness a higher priority than their office-bound counterparts.

The question is... how can America's businesses split the difference?

Buzzwords like "work-life balance" come immediately to mind. The numbers indicate that, for workers who have made a priority of free time, personal wellness may be something like second-nature.

Read full article at EBN.

Photo credit: stavos via Hollywood Thing / CC BY-NC-ND
Ginger Sullivan

About The Author

Ginger Sullivan

As CareATC's Recruiter, Ginger primarily focuses on recruiting top talent for our clinics and Corporate office. She also uses her creativity to help plan Corporate events.

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