HR Insights


What It Really Takes To Recruit More Female Tech Talent

Posted by Ginger Sullivan on December 16, 2015

What It Really Takes To Recruit More Female Tech Talent | Ginger Sullivan | HR Insights blog by CareATC, Inc.If you're part of the tech industry, or you've seen HBO's Silicon Valley, you know that women are a very small minority of this field.

It wasn't always this way. The gender ratio of computer science workers was much more equitable in the 80's, but today just 27% of STEM workers are women, and only 13% of engineers.

One analyst blames the startup phase, when new businesses are too busy trying to stay afloat to worry about workforce diversity and humane work schedules.

Gender diversity in the workplace isn't just an empty publicity goal. It's essential for creating a culture where families can bond and flourish, and healthy lifestyles can be more easily achieved in and out of the workplace.

In closing, the Credit Suisse Research Institute indicates that businesses with women in executive roles simply outperform companies with all-male management, in terms of profit and efficiency.

Read full article at Fast Company.

Photo credit: WOCinTech Chat via Flickr [CC BY 2.0]
Ginger Sullivan

About The Author

Ginger Sullivan

As CareATC's Recruiter, Ginger primarily focuses on recruiting top talent for our clinics and Corporate office. She also uses her creativity to help plan Corporate events.

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