Employer Healthcare Strategies


How Mobile Health Apps Support a Healthier Future [Infographic]

Posted by Kit Keeling on June 24, 2015

How Mobile Health Apps Support a Healthier Future [Infographic] | Kit Keeling | Employer Healthcare Strategies blog by CareATC, Inc.In a world where it seems anything and everything can be accomplished from your smartphone or other mobile device, it’s only fitting that there are now medical and health apps for these devices.

Many doctors project that the use of mobile health apps will positively impact patients’ health and in turn improve the entire patient experience.

In fact, 96% of health app users believe that using health apps will improve their quality of life.

86% of healthcare professionals believed that using mobile apps would increase their knowledge of their patients’ conditions, and 76% believe that mobile health apps can help patients with chronic disease.

Below is a very interesting and helpful infographic from Research Now that offers great insight into the possible benefits of mobile health apps and how these apps help support a healthier future.

(Click on the image to enlarge.)

Research Now Mobile Health Apps Infographic

Research Now Mobile Health Apps Infographic - An infographic by the team at Research Now
Kit Keeling

About The Author

Kit Keeling

Kit is a former marketing intern and currently serves as a Client Manager for CareATC. He graduated from the University of Tulsa.

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