HR Insights


Benefits Millennials Really Care About

Posted by Gretchen Knurr on September 12, 2017

The benefit packages that companies offer employees are not one-size-fits-all. Now that the majority of the workforce is comprised of millennials, it’s time to look at what benefits millennials value most and how they may differ from their professional colleagues’. Studies show that millennials understand less about their benefits and, therefore, are less engaged in what their benefits actually cover. It's critical to provide millennial employees with accessible, understandable options and allow them to personalize their benefits.

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5 Awesome Benefits of Employee Engagement

Posted by Gretchen Knurr on September 5, 2017

Companies want to see efficiency and top results from every department and every employee, which means employee engagement is more important than ever. What is employee engagement? Here’s the simple definition: People want to come to work, understand their jobs, and know how their work contributes to the success of the organization. But how do you know if your employees are engaged? And is it really that important? Yes, it is! Let’s take a look at five of the most awesome benefits that come along with having engaged employees at your company.

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5 Practical Ways to Save on Employee Benefit Costs

Posted by Paul Banuski on April 25, 2017

Top companies know that a competitive benefits package is foundational to a strong talent management strategy.

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Are You Missing This Required Benefit Document?

Posted by Paul Banuski on March 24, 2017

With the exception of government and faith-based organizational plans, most employers that offer employee welfare benefit plans are required to provide a Summary Plan Description (or SPD) to plan participants and beneficiaries, yet many organizations either don’t provide one or have one that contains outdated information.

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5 Things Employers Want from Their Benefits Broker

Posted by Paul Banuski on March 16, 2017

When it comes to selecting the best benefits broker for your organization, there are several factors to consider. It’s no secret that cost drives much of the decision-making. After all, you need to be able to afford the benefits you’re offering your employees. But there are additional factors that human resource professionals should consider when making the decision. These factors can be the difference between having a transactional relationship with the broker to a productive partnership that can prove valuable to both your bottom-line and your organization’s ability to attract and retain top talent.

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When Expats are in the Mix, Consistent Benefits are a Must

Posted by Wendy White on October 4, 2016

If you have employees who travel between the U.S. and other countries, it can be tough to meet regulatory obligations for both nations.

Similar problems arise when hiring a foreign employee in the U.S. on work visa, or an employee who telecommutes from another nation.

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The Benefits of Financial Wellness – For Yourself and Your Employees

Posted by Ginger Sullivan on September 21, 2016

We're all aware that Americans tend to be unprepared for retirement. But this conversation usually centers on the needs of employees — not their bosses.

Turns out, about half of small business owners feel that they do not have enough money to retire on.

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10 Common Questions Employees Have About Benefit Options

Posted by Wendy White on September 20, 2016

Employers around the country are changing their employee benefit offerings from the ground up. Sometimes it's hard to know what potential employees think about a certain set of benefit options.

To get inside the heads of the best potential talent, take a look at Employee Benefit News' list of 10 questions asked by employees about benefit packages.

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How to See How a Company Treats Female Employees - Before You Even Take the Job

Posted by Ginger Sullivan on September 7, 2016

For women seeking equitable employment, it can be hard to know what their experience is likely to be in a new company. Until recently, there has been no Yelp for female employee experience.

Recently, a number of sites have arisen to fill that space. Women can share their experiences, insights about female job satisfaction, notes on women in leadership, and other important information for women on the job-hunt.

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As Economy Improves, More Employees Look Elsewhere

Posted by Wendy White on September 6, 2016

The American economy is improving, but this isn't doing anything to help the ongoing talent shortage.

As new and better positions open up in countries around the nation, 52% of surveyed employees reported being open to leaving their current job. 44% were already seeking new employment.

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