Employer Healthcare Strategies


Onsite Clinics: A Win-Win Solution for Employers and Employees

Posted by CareATC on July 11, 2023

In an era where employee wellness and productivity are critical for organizational success, employers are always on the lookout for innovative ways to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions to their workforce. One solution gaining momentum is the establishment of onsite employee clinics. Onsite clinics offer a range of healthcare services within the workplace, benefiting both employers and employees alike.

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How to Compare Onsite Clinic Partners: A Guide for Benefit Brokers

Posted by CareATC on June 27, 2023

As a benefit broker, you understand the importance of finding the right onsite clinic partner to meet the healthcare needs of your clients' employees. With various options in the market, it can be overwhelming to compare and select the best fit. In this guide, we will walk you through the key considerations and steps to effectively compare onsite clinic partners, ensuring you make an informed decision that benefits both the employer and their workforce.

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5 Steps to Creating an Onsite Clinic RFP

Posted by CareATC on June 13, 2023

As an employer looking to implement an onsite clinic, you're taking a proactive step towards improving the health and well-being of your employees. One crucial aspect of this process is creating a Request for Proposal (RFP) that effectively communicates your needs and requirements to potential onsite clinic providers. In this article, we will walk you through the essential steps of creating an onsite clinic RFP, ensuring that you find the right partner to meet your organization's unique healthcare goals.

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3 Ways Onsite Clinics Can Boost Business for Benefit Brokers

Posted by CareATC on May 24, 2023

Looking for ways to boost your impact and business as a benefits broker? Employer-sponsored clinics, also known as onsite or workplace clinics, are healthcare facilities or medical services provided by employers to their employees. These clinics are usually located within or near the workplace, making healthcare more accessible and convenient for employees. The purpose of these clinics is to promote employee well-being, improve access to healthcare, and enhance overall productivity by addressing healthcare needs efficiently and proactively within the work environment.

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5 Reasons Benefit Brokers Should Recommend Onsite Clinics

Posted by CareATC on May 24, 2023

Are you on the lookout for innovative solutions to offer your self-funded employer clients? Well, we've got a game-changer for you: onsite medical clinics. These clinics, conveniently located within the workplace, are revolutionizing the way employees access healthcare services. In this article, you’ll discover five compelling reasons why you should recommend an onsite clinic to your self-funded employer clients. Let's dive in!

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