Improving Health


A Beginner's Guide to Healthy Grocery Shopping

Posted by Marla Richards, MS, RD, LD on February 19, 2015

A Beginner's Guide to Healthy Grocery Shopping | Marla Richards, MS, RD, LD | Improving Health blog by CareATC, Inc.Grocery shopping seems to be a difficult task for those wanting to start living a healthier lifestyle. Trying to choose between eating healthy and sticking with old ways can make healthy grocery shopping seem overwhelming.

Picking a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to get the best of you; it can be an easy process, but is one that you should ease into.

I’m sure you’ve heard the stories of how our ancestors ate. The food we have in this day and age did not exist back then, they only had the foods made by nature.

So, simplify the grocery shopping process. Start with the basics, and as you get the hang of healthy eating, you can proceed to detailed label reading!

How to Get Back to the Basics

First Steps First

I would first recommend avoiding labels reading "Organic" or "Green" when first starting your healthy journey.

While these labels are not bad, they are enticing for those wanting to start their healthy journey – especially considering the hype the media gives these products.

All I hear and read is green this or organic that, but what about the macronutrient count? Doesn’t that matter?

If my bag of chips read organic on the front, does that mean I should buy the bag of chips for a side dish to my meal? What if I moseyed on over to the produce section and picked up some nice, green baby spinach for a side salad instead?

Not to be confusing, there is nothing wrong with buying things that are organic — in fact, it’s preferred. However, your goal should not consist of walking into a grocery store and buying only foods with a healthy label.

Shop the Perimeter

You should start your grocery shopping process where the produce begins. From there, you should follow the grocery store along the walls for your food purchases.

This is known as the “race-car track” or "perimeter" method. By staying along the perimeters of the grocery store, it will ensure that your food purchases are that of quality and quantity.

With our world constantly changing, it’s easy to be confused on which foods to buy when trying to be healthy.

I find that many people fall into the “no chemicals, pesticide-free, organic, 0-net carbs” trap. While these labels are not bad, it may not be necessary at the start.

For example, if I only have $20 for my weekly grocery budget and I want to start my healthy eating plan, I would greatly benefit from a grocery list consisting of the following: baby spinach, grapes, non-fat plain Greek yogurt, boneless/skinless chicken breasts, and eggs.

Whereas a grocery list consisting of hemp-seeds, gluten-free flour, and veggie straws would not ensure a well-balanced meal, but would definitely require my entire $20.

Why Basics are Better

Don’t get me wrong, I encourage organic products and the consumption of different types of seeds. I certainly agree with gluten-free flour for those with a gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease.

However, my point is that for those wanting to start eating healthier, it’s best to focus on the basics rather than overwhelming oneself with extreme label reading.

The beauty of it is, if you stay along the perimeter of the grocery store walls, you will not have to read many labels. These foods will consist of those designed by nature with only one ingredient.

For example, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, and eggs have nothing to hide. What you see is what you get!

Top 3 Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

1. Make Your Budget

Know exactly how much you want to spend before you walk into the grocery store.

It’s easy to overspend if you don’t make a budget, which may lead to money lost and calories gained!

2. Plan Your Weekly Menu

Your menu should correlate with your budget. As you grocery shop, you will become familiar with food prices and know about how much you will have to spend on your grocery items when planning your menu.

I suggest making 1-2 recipes each week and always having back-up deli meat, eggs, non-fat/plain Greek yogurt, and salad mix stocked in your kitchen.

3. Never Grocery Shop When You’re Hungry

Eat before you shop — this is a must!

You may think you have complete control, but lack of nutrition and extreme hunger can get the best of you when you’re faced with tasty looking foods.

Grocery shopping hungry may result in not sticking to your budget. Be wise, shop with a satisfied stomach!

Do you have any other tips for healthy grocery shopping? Share them in the comments below!

Marla Richards, MS, RD, LD

About The Author

Marla Richards, MS, RD, LD

Marla has a longstanding passion in wellness and healthy living. After graduating from the University of Central Arkansas and completing the dietetic internship in 2011, she embarked on her professional career in wellness, working for an integrated health and wellness facility in Northwest Arkansas.

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