Employer Healthcare Strategies


How Brokers Can Help Employers Lower Healthcare Expenses with Onsite Clinics

Posted by CareATC on July 25, 2023

As healthcare costs continue to rise, employers are constantly seeking innovative ways to manage their expenses while still providing quality care for their employees. One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is the implementation of onsite clinics. These clinics, conveniently located within the workplace, offer a range of medical services to employees, resulting in reduced healthcare costs and improved employee well-being. Here are just a few ways that benefit brokers can assist employers in leveraging onsite clinics to lower healthcare expenses.

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Onsite Clinics: A Win-Win Solution for Employers and Employees

Posted by CareATC on July 11, 2023

In an era where employee wellness and productivity are critical for organizational success, employers are always on the lookout for innovative ways to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions to their workforce. One solution gaining momentum is the establishment of onsite employee clinics. Onsite clinics offer a range of healthcare services within the workplace, benefiting both employers and employees alike.

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5 Steps to Creating an Onsite Clinic RFP

Posted by CareATC on June 13, 2023

As an employer looking to implement an onsite clinic, you're taking a proactive step towards improving the health and well-being of your employees. One crucial aspect of this process is creating a Request for Proposal (RFP) that effectively communicates your needs and requirements to potential onsite clinic providers. In this article, we will walk you through the essential steps of creating an onsite clinic RFP, ensuring that you find the right partner to meet your organization's unique healthcare goals.

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5 Reasons Benefit Brokers Should Recommend Onsite Clinics

Posted by CareATC on May 24, 2023

Are you on the lookout for innovative solutions to offer your self-funded employer clients? Well, we've got a game-changer for you: onsite medical clinics. These clinics, conveniently located within the workplace, are revolutionizing the way employees access healthcare services. In this article, you’ll discover five compelling reasons why you should recommend an onsite clinic to your self-funded employer clients. Let's dive in!

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What Self-Funded Employers Can Learn from the Amazon, Berkshire and JPMorgan Healthcare Alliance

Posted by Tatiana Spears on March 8, 2018

Shockwaves were sent throughout the business community as three of the nation’s largest corporations - Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase - announced that they are partnering on ways to address healthcare for their U.S. employees, with the aim of improving employee satisfaction and reducing costs. It’s clear: employee health is taking center stage.

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How Unhealthy Employees Are Killing Your Bottom Line

Posted by Tatiana Spears on September 8, 2017

If you think the health of your employees has no impact on your productivity or bottom line, think again. One out of every four dollars employers pay for health care is tied to unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking, stress, and obesity. Despite spending almost twice as much on health care, the U.S. has the worst health outcomes than most other developed nations. The result is higher medical costs for the U.S. and for employers. So, what gives and how can employers influence behavior for the better?

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5 Benefits of a Shared Clinic Model

Posted by Tatiana Spears on February 7, 2017

Think you're too small to benefit from an employer-sponsored clinic? Think again. A new model is emerging, empowering small and mid-sized businesses to reap the benefits of direct primary care.

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How to Determine if a Near-Site or Multi-Employer Clinic is Right for Your Company

Posted by Tatiana Spears on August 18, 2016

You already know the benefits of employer-sponsored clinics, but what if an on-site option isn’t the best fit?

See how a near-site or multi-employer clinic might be the best decision you’ve ever made for your employees and bottom-line.

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The New Shared Clinic Model & How to Start One

Posted by Tatiana Spears on June 29, 2016

While private companies & public entities have long understood the benefits of employer-sponsored clinics, a new shared clinic model between these two sectors is emerging and changing communities for the better.

Employer-sponsored clinics have a long and proven history of reducing healthcare costs by improving employee health. Historically, large employers such as manufacturers would bring high quality care directly to the workplace. Today, employers continue to utilize this strategy to proactively manage cost, reduce absenteeism, and improve productivity. Although employer-sponsored clinics began in the private sector, their influence hasn’t stopped there. Public entities, including municipalities, have begun implementing clinics to directly control the cost of care.

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3 Reasons Your Competitors are Investing in On-Site Clinics

Posted by Tatiana Spears on June 8, 2016

Uncover the one wellness strategy that top companies use to attract top talent, bolster the bottom-line, and leave competition in the dust.

What comes to mind when you think of an on-site clinic? For many, a venture that only the biggest names in business can afford. Imagine a place dedicated to treating employees and their families with no out-of-pocket expenses for primary healthcare and generic prescriptions – all while saving you money and improving productivity.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Here are the top 3 reasons why your competition is investing in on-site clinics – and why you should too.

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