Employer Healthcare Strategies


Tatiana Spears

With an MBA mind for analysis and strategy development, Tatiana loves transforming creative ideas into practical application for innovative companies and professionals. She is also the proud owner of an overworked Nespresso machine.
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Self-Funding for Small to Mid-Sized Businesses - Part 1

Posted by Tatiana Spears on March 7, 2017


As healthcare policy costs increase, small businesses struggle to keep up with the financial demands of providing individual healthcare plans for their employees. Limited insurance can make retaining top performing employees more difficult for the company. Can you relate to these challenges? Keep reading—there is an alternative option. Self-funded insurance provides healthcare by way of a different method. It gives employers the power.

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Post Topics Self-Insurance

5 Benefits of a Shared Clinic Model

Posted by Tatiana Spears on February 7, 2017

Think you're too small to benefit from an employer-sponsored clinic? Think again. A new model is emerging, empowering small and mid-sized businesses to reap the benefits of direct primary care.

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3 Reasons Why Your Employees Are Avoiding the Doctor

Posted by Tatiana Spears on February 2, 2017

Photo Credit: Breather via Unsplash 

You’re offering the best benefits you can, and your employees are still avoiding the doctor. Find out the most common barriers — and the potential solution that can dismantle them.

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3 Signs of Physician Burnout (And What to Do About It)

Posted by Tatiana Spears on January 31, 2017

According to the Medscape Lifestyle Report 2016: Bias and Burnout, some of the major causes of physician burnout include: 1) too many bureaucratic tasks; 2) spending too many hours at work; 3) too many patient appointments in a day; 4) not enough income; and 5) just feeling like a cog in a wheel.

Physician burnout is a major concern for the industry and can lead to lower patient satisfaction and care quality; higher medical error rates and malpractice risk; higher physician and staff turnover; and physician substance abuse. Repeated studies have shown an average of 1 in 3 doctors suffer from symptomatic physician burnout on any given day. How can you tell if you are at risk for burnout? Here are three signs to look for:

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ACA Repeal & Replace Underway – What Employers Need to Know

Posted by Tatiana Spears on January 27, 2017


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Primary Care Provider’s Guide: 5 Benefits of a Worksite Clinic Career

Posted by Tatiana Spears on January 20, 2017


With the healthcare industry’s emphasis on volume, not value, many physicians are left feeling overworked, ineffective, and demoralized. It’s no wonder why 43% of physicians plan to cut-back on hours, retire, take a non-clinical job, switch to “concierge” medicine, or take other measures to bring back balance.

One branch of healthcare offering primary care providers greater flexibility and work-life balance are worksite clinics. Employers are taking wellness to new heights by investing in worksite clinics that focus on one thing: improving health. The result? Lower healthcare costs by improving employee health. Leading employer-sponsored healthcare offers physicians an opportunity to be the change agent they’ve always wanted to be.

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How to Determine if a Near-Site or Multi-Employer Clinic is Right for Your Company

Posted by Tatiana Spears on August 18, 2016

You already know the benefits of employer-sponsored clinics, but what if an on-site option isn’t the best fit?

See how a near-site or multi-employer clinic might be the best decision you’ve ever made for your employees and bottom-line.

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Here’s How Much Unhealthy Employees Could Be Hurting Your Bottom Line

Posted by Tatiana Spears on August 11, 2016

Identify the factors that contribute to unhealthy workforce and discover what you can do to turn things around for good.

People are the greatest asset of any organization. Some of the greatest companies are built on the innovative minds of an engaged workforce. But with less than one-third of employees engaged at work, it’s in the best interest of every employer to explore barriers to engagement – including health.

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5 Smart Ways to Reduce Healthcare Costs

Posted by Tatiana Spears on July 28, 2016

Looking for ways to reduce healthcare spending in your organization? Here are five ways to begin saving now. 

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To HSA or Not HSA?

Posted by Tatiana Spears on July 6, 2016

Learn the basics of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and determine if this type of consumer-driven health plan is right for your company.

Consumer driven health plans (CDHP) such as HSAs are a keen strategy for controlling costs and continue to gain popularity. In 2015, enrollment in consumer-driven health plans (CDHP) nearly doubled among large employers during the previous three years – from 15% to 28% of covered employees.

Small employers still trail but nevertheless experienced a modest increase over the same period – 17% to 19%. Overall, CDHP enrollment reached 25% in 2015. To understand the surge in growth, let’s first examine how they work.

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